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Feedback from Very Happy Clients!

Hi Bob and Randy,
Just wanted to send a note to show the Telechron 8B05 and Lawson 490 in their new homes. The Lawson has been running flawlessly for a few months now in my living room.
And my Dad got the Telechron last week as an early birthday present, which he set up in his dining room the other day:
Thank you for all the time you both spent answering my questions and helping me learn more about these unique clocks! People like yourselves are invaluable in a hobby as niche as collecting vintage American mechanical digital clocks. —- Best, Jack.

Hi Bob,
The repaired Jefferson clocks arrived today and look great and run well.
You can see from the attached two photos the Suspense clock is in a prime spot in my living room, right where I can see it from my desk (along with Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and some Dickensian hangers-on).
The Golden Minute also occupies a highly visible place, beneath my TV.
The other two I’m keeping to use as gifts.
None of this would’ve been possible if I hadn’t stumbled across you online. My Jeffersons and I thank you most heartily! — Tom

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